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The Basics of Ridesharing

Learn the basics of driving with ridesharing services - inside and out.
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The Basics of Ridesharing

Do you want to learn the basics of ridesharing, from an industry-leading team? We developed a course from scratch to show you everything you need to know about ridesharing - inside and out.

vector graphic showing to hands using ridesharing apps on the phones they are holding to illustrate how does ridesharing work
Sam Choi

Hi there! My name is Sam Choi, and I am a rideshare driver for both Uber and Lyft.

Ever since I started ridesharing, I’ve taken thousands of trips, and have been able to master every aspect of the job. I’ve interviewed numerous drivers, taken courses, read everything I could find on the web, and aggressively analyzed every shift I drove. As a result, I am personally am in the top 1% in the nation when it comes to earnings.

I share what I know in the multiple rideshare courses that I created, which were acquired by Ridester.com in 2018.

7 Courses
The Basics of Ridesharing
Course Includes
18 Lessons