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Maximizing Rideshare Pickups

Guaranteed to help you maximize your time and amount of pickups you receive with Uber & Lyft!

Maximizing Rideshare Pickups

Guaranteed to help you maximize your time and amount of pickups you receive with Uber & Lyft!

Sam Choi

Hi there! My name is Sam Choi, and I am a rideshare driver for both Uber and Lyft.

Ever since I started ridesharing, I’ve taken thousands of trips, and have been able to master every aspect of the job. I’ve interviewed numerous drivers, taken courses, read everything I could find on the web, and aggressively analyzed every shift I drove. As a result, I am personally am in the top 1% in the nation when it comes to earnings.

I share what I know in the multiple rideshare courses that I created, which were acquired by Ridester.com in 2018.

7 Courses
Maximizing Rideshare Pickups
Course Includes