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Crash Course to Rideshare: Basics 101

Everything you need to know to see if Uber or Lyft is for you & how to get started.

Crash Course to Rideshare: Basics 101


Imagine a job where you can work whenever you want for however long you want.

Christmas is coming up and you want to buy some gifts for loved ones? You can work more!

Feeling like you need a break? You can take a year off!

Flexibility… This is the power of rideshare.

It takes very little to get going and once you get accepted you have access for more income whenever you want.

However, the ease of entry into the rideshare industry is counteracted by the challenge of learning the job.

Uber & Lyft put a lot of resources in attracting new drivers but very little on how to perform the job well. As a result, many drivers don’t know what they are doing.

The retention rate is terrible, with what seems like only the strong surviving.

This course is designed to introduce new to the industry.

What do you have to do to get approved? How much money you can expect to earn? How to pickup your first passenger?

Basically, everything you need to get started and more.

Some of this information is on the internet, but if you’re new, do you know what to look for? There are many things you won’t learn except through trial and error.

So let me save you time, cause I did the trials, and now you’re learning from my errors.

What Will I Learn?
How to sign up and get started with Uber and Lyft
Understand the steps to become a successful driver
How to discern if rideshare is for you
Learn the basics to the point where you could still make decent money with that information alone
You must either be an aspiring or current driver.
You must have a qualified car or are planning on getting one.
You must be eager and open to learn!
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who wants to learn the basics of getting started with ridesharing.
Those who have already started and feel like they are missing out on a lot of the basics.
Imagine a job where you can work 70 hours in a week and make a ton of money, and then the next week decide to take it off. Imagine you have a Christmas coming around or some special event, and you want to save up, and you want to work every weekend you want, and you don’t have to tell your boss.

And then after that season is over, you can stop working. You can maybe take a whole year off. That’s the beauty of rideshare. And once you get in, and it’s really easy to get started, you have it for life, and you will always have something on the side where you can add extra income when you’re in between jobs or you need to make extra money. That is the power and the beauty of rideshare.

However, the ease of entry is overwhelmingly counteracted by the challenge of rideshare. And so, historically, what the rideshare companies have done is give huge bonuses with very little training. So once people get started, either you sink or you swim, and that’s kind of been the hope.

Hey, hope you make it. And the strongest drivers, they stick around. The guys who don’t make it, they get deactivated because they have poor service and get low ratings, or they just quit, okay? And so, historically, that’s how it’s been.

And you’ve seen the things on the news where people were saying, “Hey, we were making $100,000.” But then the reporter was saying, “Oh, actually, they were only making $3 an hour.” Not really, but like they’re making really low amounts.

And so the reality is rideshare is not easy. And it takes work, and I want to help you in that. Because there’s very little training provided by the rideshare companies, I thought I could create the most conclusive crash course that would hold your hand, literally…figuratively hold your hand through the whole process.

How do you sign up? What are referral bonuses? How do you pick up a passenger? What should you have in your car? Understanding all of these basic things, and things that…all these things you could find online. But there are a lot of things that you don’t know yet to ask about, you don’t know to even care about.

And so I’m putting it all conveniently in one place so that you don’t have to worry about trial and error. Let me do the trials, because I did, and let me do the errors so that you can just get the results.

Hi there, my name is Sam Choi, and I hope to be your instructor. Ever since I was younger, I’ve had a passion to hack anything that I’m into, and so driven by the question of “How can I improve on it? Is there something I’m missing? Is there something nobody else is doing? How can I get everything out of this?”

And so with that same kind of mindset, I put that to rideshare. At first, I really struggled, but eventually, I started to hack it and unlock rideshare for all that it’s worth.

And so I interviewed tons of different drivers. I read everything I could find on the internet. I read months and months and months of posts on Facebook and driver forums.

I took several courses online. And after every shift, I would sit down, and I would think about every single ride and how could I have done better. And I would look at all the different numbers, and I would keep track and, “Could I drive a little less and do a little more here?”

And in doing that, I think I’ve hacked it, and I want to teach you how to do the same. And so that’s why I created this crash course to rideshare. I want to teach you how to do all these things and give you a way better boost than what I got when I started.

And so with Udemy, there’s literally nothing you can lose because there’s a 30-day money back guarantee. I guarantee this is the best crash course out there on the market. And I will teach you all the basics that you need to get started and start earning. So sign up now and start earning with me.

Sam Choi

Hi there! My name is Sam Choi, and I am a rideshare driver for both Uber and Lyft.

Ever since I started ridesharing, I’ve taken thousands of trips, and have been able to master every aspect of the job. I’ve interviewed numerous drivers, taken courses, read everything I could find on the web, and aggressively analyzed every shift I drove. As a result, I am personally am in the top 1% in the nation when it comes to earnings.

I share what I know in the multiple rideshare courses that I created, which were acquired by Ridester.com in 2018.

7 Courses
Crash Course to Rideshare: Basics 101
Course Includes
3 Lessons