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Does Instacart Deliver Cigarettes In 2023?

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Key Takeaways

  • Instacart does not deliver cigarettes or any tobacco products, focusing on groceries and essentials.
  • Despite restrictions on tobacco, Instacart offers delivery for alcohol and prescription medications.
  • Laws around tobacco sales vary by state, complicating nationwide delivery for companies like Instacart.
  • Alternative delivery services like Doordash, Saucey, and 7NOW offer cigarette delivery with age verification.

Does Instacart Deliver Cigarettes?

Instacart does not deliver cigarettes or any tobacco products, including cigars, vapes, and chewing tobacco, as well as accessories like pipes, rolling papers, or grinders.

This policy extends to e-cigarettes and vapes, which are also considered tobacco products and are not available for delivery through Instacart.

However, Instacart does deliver other age-restricted products, such as alcohol and CBD products, the latter being legal and not psychoactive.

The company’s decision not to deliver tobacco products is due to the complexity and variability of tobacco laws across different states and municipalities in the U.S., rather than political reasons or a desire to penalize tobacco users.

What Items Can You Buy Through Instacart?

Through Instacart, you can buy a wide range of items including groceries, prescriptions, and alcohol.

Instacart is primarily a grocery delivery service, offering fresh meat, fruits, and vegetables, among other grocery items, directly to your door.

Additionally, Instacart has expanded its services to include the delivery of prescriptions, allowing customers to receive their medications without needing to visit a pharmacy

For this, drivers are required to pass a specific test to handle pharmacy deliveries. Moreover, Instacart also delivers alcohol, requiring an ID verification upon delivery to ensure legal compliance.

What Delivery Apps Deliver Cigarettes?

Several delivery apps deliver cigarettes, including Doordash, Saucey, and 7NOW.

Doordash, known for restaurant and some grocery deliveries, requires customers to be at least 21 years old and present a valid, current ID for cigarette delivery.

Saucey, primarily an alcohol delivery service, also delivers tobacco products like cigarettes, cigars, and vapes, with a similar ID requirement upon delivery.

7NOW, the delivery service operated by 7-11 convenience stores, includes alcohol and cigarettes in its delivery offerings, enforcing an ID scan for age verification upon delivery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you buy cigarettes on Amazon?

No, Amazon does not sell cigarettes or tobacco products. However, it offers a range of smoking accessories like vape pens, rolling papers, grinders, and pipes.

What is the cheapest way to buy cigarettes?

The cheapest options for buying cigarettes include purchasing them from Native American reservations, where taxes are lower, or buying tobacco and rolling papers to roll your own cigarettes, which can be more time-consuming but cost-effective.

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