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Ohio Drivers Ed: Find The Best Course for Drivers Ed Online

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Getting your driver’s license is one of life’s most exciting and scary experiences.

Thankfully, new drivers have plenty of options to guide them through the process.

Driver’s education courses provide comprehensive training and instruction on everything from driving laws to road safety.

When you’re ready to start drivers ed Ohio does an excellent job with a range of programs to meet every need.

In Ohio, you can choose between online driver education and in-person classroom training before you step into a car with a driving instructor.

Plus, there are several programs to choose from, giving you flexible, affordable options to get your driver’s license.

Why should you do driver’s ed online?

Ohio online driver education emerged before the COVID-19 pandemic but helped young drivers prepare for their driver’s tests during a tumultuous time.

These online driving education programs have several benefits and a few drawbacks to consider before signing up for one.

The perks of prepping for your driver’s test through an online course are flexibility and affordability.

You can work through the material at your own pace.

Plus, you can limit distractions and optimize focus by choosing your study space.

Further, the online course is typically more affordable because it doesn’t have to cover traditional costs, like paying for classroom space.

There are only two drawbacks to taking an online course.

First, you have to stick to a schedule to finish the class, which may not be an issue for some people.

However, the main drawback is not having an in-person instructor so you can’t get immediate feedback on questions.

How Does the Driver’s Ed Course Work?

Ohio state law requires that drivers under age 18 complete a course, also known as traffic school, through a licensed driver training school.

The course must include 24 hours of instruction and behind-the-wheel training with a licensed instructor.

Note that Teen drivers can start the courses at 15 years and 5 months but must be at least 16 years old to take the driving test.

1. Start the Drivers Ed Course

Find an Ohio driver education course that’s approved by Ohio DPS (Ohio Department of Public Safety).

Sign up for an online or in-person course and learn everything you need to know to pass the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) permit test, including defensive driving and road laws.

Whether you take the course online or in a classroom, you must complete the required hours.

Upon passing the course, you get the Certificate of Completion that you need to move on to the next step.

2. Practice for the Permit Exam

Even with the Certificate of Completion, you can’t get behind the wheel until you pass the permit test.

Many Ohio driver’s education courses offer sample tests and questions to help you prepare.

3. Obtain Your Learner’s Permit

Pass the Ohio BMV written test to obtain your temporary driving permit.

Most offices use electronic systems for testing that let you stop as soon as you pass or fail the test.

4. Complete Driving Instruction

The final step for driver’s education is in-car instruction.

You must complete 8 hours of training with a credentialed instructor.

Typically, traffic schools hire people with teaching experience to handle the driving lessons portion of driver training.

Additionally, a teen driver must spend at least 50 hours on their own time with a licensed driver.

The teen’s legal guardian must sign off on the 50 hours and that their child is a safe driver.

Once you complete all of the driver training, you can head to the BMV to take your road test.

You must provide documentation of completion of traffic school and driving lessons to obtain a driver’s license.

Best Place(s) to Learn Driver’s Ed in Ohio?

Are you ready to sign up for driver’s ed?

These programs are some of the top Ohio driving schools for young drivers.

1. All Star Driver Education

All Star Driver Education

All Star Driver Education is a staple in Ohio with multiple locations throughout the state and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The company offers several packages to meet any family’s needs, including combinations of classroom instruction and driving hours.

The online course costs $70 and the combination of in-person instruction and behind-the-wheel driving is $390.

screenshot of the all star driver education homepage

All Star Driver Education is a staple in Ohio with multiple locations throughout the state and an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau (BBB).

The company offers several packages to meet any family’s needs, including combinations of classroom instruction and driving hours.

The online course costs $70 and the combination of in-person instruction and behind-the-wheel driving is $390.

2. DriversEd.com


This company is another popular driving school for Ohio teens, and it has more than 9,000 reviews on Trustpilot with an excellent rating.

Many users note that the fun games break up the instruction and help drive the points home.

A screenshot of the driversED.com homepage

This company is another popular driving school for Ohio teens, and it has more than 9,000 reviews on Trustpilot with an excellent rating.

Many users note that the fun games break up the instruction and help drive the points home.

DriversEd.com frequently runs specials for around $50 to complete the course, but the regular price is $110.

3. First Time Driver

First Time Driver

FirstTimeDriver.com is the online new driver course offered by the American Safety Council.

It is state-approved and focuses on safe driving habits while allowing students to work at their own pace.

The course is highly rated across several sites, including social media platforms.

A screenshot of the first time driver homepage

FirstTimeDriver.com is the online new driver course offered by the American Safety Council.

It is state-approved and focuses on safe driving habits while allowing students to work at their own pace.

The course is highly rated across several sites, including social media platforms.

The online course costs less than $100 for Ohioans and includes permit prep work.

FAQs Regarding Driver Ed

Do you still have questions about Ohio driver’s education?

Here are the most common questions and answers to clarify things.

What is a Driver’s Education Course?

Driver’s education courses teach teenage drivers everything they need to know to pass the permitting and licensing exams.

They include a combination of classroom or online instruction and in-person driving training.

What is the Course Period?

The driver’s ed course period depends on the method of instruction.

Classroom instruction typically meets for two to four hours at a time for a total of 24 hours. Online driver’s ed instruction is self-paced but still adds up to 24 hours.

How Many Times Can I Sit for the Exam?

Ohio allows unlimited attempts at the driving exam. However, you must wait 24 hours between attempts.

What Will Happen If I Fail the Course?

Though it’s extremely unusual, if you fail the driver’s ed course, you must retake it from the beginning.

How Do I Make the Payment?

Making payment depends on the individual driving school, though most accept credit or debit cards and occasionally checks. Many accept online or in-person payments.

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