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Does Instacart Take EBT? Food Stamps on This Delivery Service

Does Instacart take EBT? Learn about what you can buy with an EBT card on Instacart and how the program works in this article.

Key Information

EBT Acceptance

Instacart now accepts EBT payments, aiding those who face challenges in accessing grocery stores.

EBT Restrictions

EBT, part of SNAP, permits buying only specific food items. Users should be aware of non-eligible products and have an additional payment method for them.

Instacart and EBT Process

Users need to add their EBT card to their Instacart account and ensure their state and chosen retailer participate in the EBT program. Some associated fees may apply, separate from EBT.

Ordering Tips

Keep the EBT card information current, verify balance before shopping, and remember that delivery fees and tips must be paid with a non-EBT method.

Does Instacart Take EBT?

Yes, Instacart accepts EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) payments for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) beneficiaries as a part of a pilot program with the USDA. This program is available in select locations and with select retailers.

Certain users are able to use their EBT cards to pay for specific types of food and groceries on the Instacart platform. However, there are limitations based on location and participating retailers.

Some retailers working with Instacart via EBT SNAP benefits include the following.

  • Publix
  • ​Food Lion
  • ​Amazon
  • Walmart
  • ​Aldi
  • ​Price Chopper

Always check first to make sure your selected retailer accepts EBT payments.

What Items Are Available Using EBT SNAP?

Typically, the program covers only basic foods, providing additional support for grocery orders to families with tight food budgets. A basic overview of what Instacart customers may purchase that are SNAP-eligible with their EBT card would be items like the following:

  • Dairy/Eggs
  • Fruit/Meat
  • Bread/Cereal
  • Snack foods
  • Non-Alcoholic Beverages

Items you can’t buy with EBT include the following.

  • Cleaning supplies
  • Pet food
  • Hygiene Items/Cosmetics
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Tobacco

Keep in mind while you can certainly select some non-eligible food items to put in your shopping cart, you’ll need to purchase them separately with another non-EBT SNAP card at the end of the transaction if you want to get your items delivered along with your EBT order.

If you plan to use your EBT account to make purchases through Instacart, you first need to be aware of a few critical points.

  • Your state must participate in the SNAP Online Purchasing Pilot
  • Instacart doesn’t take EBT cash
  • The card information must be current and valid
  • You must link your EBT card to your Instacart account.

Make sure you check to ensure you’re meeting all criteria before trying to make a purchase or complete a transaction with your EBT card.

There are rules of use outlined by the SNAP program stating what can or can not be purchased using an EBT card.These guidelines govern what items you can buy through Instacart.

What Are The Fees For Using EBT or SNAP Payments With Instacart?

If you choose to use EBT with Instacart, you’ll also need to have another credit or debit card on file. This card is how the retailer assesses various fees such as bottle deposits, taxes, delivery tips, and non-eligible EBT items.

There is no fee for using an EBT card; however, depending on the state you live in, you may have specific fees applied for services. Also, consider that delivery drivers work for tips, so you’ll want to consider this factor when placing an order each time.

Editor’s Note:

You can save money on delivery fees by purchasing an Instacart Express membership, a monthly pass for high-volume users.

This pass saves you money on delivery fees, which after all, stack up quickly!

How To Add Your EBT Card To An Instacart Account

Adding an EBT card to your account on Instacart is fast and easy. Follow these easy instructions to link your accounts.

You’ll want to click or tap the three lines in the top corner of your screen. It’s a drop-down menu with options.

  • Go to Account settings.
  • Click “Payment Methods”.
  • Locate “EBT SNAP card” and select “Add”.
  • Enter your EBT card details and card number in the appropriate fields.
  • Choose “Save”.

Once you finish this process, you’ll be able to do your shopping.

How to Check Out With Your EBT Card

Checking out with an EBT card is pretty straightforward, much like using a regular debit or credit card.

Before you begin, ensure you’ve successfully connected your EBT card to your Instacart account. Next, follow these steps to successfully check out and have your order delivered to your location.

  • First, enter your credit or debit details in addition to your address.
  • Enter your EBT card details in the appropriate field.
  • Use the “Edit” features to change the amount you want to apply to your EBT card.
  • If the information is correct, click or tap the “Confirm Payment Method” prompt.
  • Go to the “Place Order” page and make sure all details about your information and the order are correct.
  • If the information is correct, click or tap “Place Order.”
  • Once the order goes through successfully, you’ll need to enter your EBT card PIN to finalize the purchase.

If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to place your order and have it delivered to your location by the specified time Instacart quotes once your order is received and picked up by a delivery driver.

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