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How To Cancel An Instacart Order [Step-By-Step]

Instacart is great, but what if you have to cancel your order after placing it? Let us show you how to cancel an Instacart order!

Key Takeaways

  • You can cancel an Instacart order, but conditions affect refund eligibility.
  • Cancel before shopping starts for a full refund; fees apply if canceled later.
  • Contact Instacart Care via app or website for cancellations after shopping begins.
  • Refunds vary: full before shopping, partial during, and none after delivery.

Can You Cancel an Instacart Order?

Yes, you can cancel an Instacart order, but the ability to receive a full refund depends on the timing of the cancellation.

  • Before the Shopper Starts Shopping: Cancelling before shopping begins ensures a full refund. It’s important to act quickly as shoppers usually start promptly.
  • While the Shopper is Shopping: Cancellation at this stage is possible but not recommended. A fee of $15 may be charged to compensate the shopper’s effort.
  • After Shopping Has Started: You can cancel up until the delivery is made, but it is advisable to cancel before the shopper starts to avoid fees.

Once the order has been delivered, cancellation is no longer an option.

Special Cases

In some special cases, Instacart might make an exception to their policies as listed above. These might include:

  • Shopper Cancels the Order: If the shopper cancels the order due to various reasons, the refund will depend on the specific circumstances.
  • No Shopper Picks Up the Order: If no shopper picks up your order, Instacart will either cancel the order or ask you to choose another delivery time, offering a full refund for any charges.

Instacart strives to handle these situations by offering refunds or rescheduling when necessary, ensuring customer satisfaction even when disruptions occur.

How to Cancel an Instacart Order

If you need to cancel your Instacart order, it is necessary to follow the instructions outlined. The process will differ depending on what stage you cancel your order.

Canceling Before Shopping

If your allotted shopping time has not yet commenced, you can cancel your Instacart order through the company’s app or website. To process your cancellation, follow these steps:

Website Instructions

  • On Instacart.com, navigate to the top-left region of the site.
  • Once in that spot, click on the three horizontal lines.
  • When the menu populates, click on the link “Your Orders.”
  • After the order page comes up, click the link “View Order Detail.”
  • From that page, you can select the option to manage your order.
  • After navigating to that page, you can choose the link to cancel your order.

Application Instructions

  • On the Instacart app, navigate to the top-left region of the site.
  • Select the option to view your orders.
  • Scroll to find the order that you wish to cancel and select.
  • On the page for that specific order, choose to manage the order.
  • As the screen populates, select the option to cancel your order.

Canceling After Shopping Has Started

If your Instacart shopper has already started selecting your items, you will need to visit the Help Center on the Instacart app or website.

At the bottom of all the articles, there is a “Contact Us” option. Click on that to start the cancelation process.

Troubleshooting: Why Can’t I Cancel My Instacart Order?

If you’re unable to cancel your Instacart order, it’s likely because the shopping process has already started. In such cases, contact Instacart Care via the website or app’s Help Center for assistance with cancellation.

Errors that may prevent order cancellation include payment issues (such as error code 1369a related to credit card problems), website downtime, or account security concerns.

If a shopper cannot complete delivery for reasons like anyone being home, threats during delivery, incorrect delivery addresses, or access issues in gated communities, the order may be canceled, and you may see a charge.

For issues like missing items, damaged products, poor replacement choices, late delivery, or unprofessional service, Instacart offers a partial refund or future credit under its Customer Happiness policy, though it reserves the right to revoke this for suspected fraud or misuse.

What to Do If Instacart Cancels an Order

If Instacart cancels your order, immediately contact customer service through the website or app’s help center for assistance and to address refund queries.

For shoppers, a canceled order impacts earnings and potentially affects ratings. Shoppers’ cancellation rates are monitored, with each cancellation impacting their profile.

To cancel a batch before shopping, shoppers can use the app to select “cancel batch.”

If needing to refund an item during a shop, select the item in the app and opt for a refund, ensuring to keep receipts for returns.

Final Thoughts

Being part of the Instacart community has a particular set of responsibilities for both the customer and shopper.

The Instacart membership allows you to get groceries and items without driving to the store and shopping for it all yourself. However, it is necessary to remember that the service you pay for is also another’s livelihood.

So while we tell you how to cancel as an Instacart Express member, be mindful of when you do it, so it doesn’t negatively impact the company’s shoppers.

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