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How to Accept an Instacart Order as a Shopper

The first step to accessing batches and accepting orders is to click on Start Shopping. This will give you a map of all the nearby Instacart stores and the batches in your vicinity.

From there, choosing the order or the store is up to you. You can click on an Instacart store that you prefer to shop at to get all the available batches. Alternatively, you can pick the nearest batch.

In that section, you’ll find limited information about the order. However, these details should be more than enough to roughly calculate the shopping time and the profit margin. This way, you’ll avoid canceling the batch and decreasing your rating.

For starters, the order should have the estimated distance and the number of items you need to pick up. You should also find a batch earnings estimate, including tips.

If you decide to fulfill the batch, slide to accept the order. After that, the order will be on your to-do list, with the exact items you must pick up and the customer notes and preferences. The shopping list should also be broken down by category, making it easy to locate the aisles.

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