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How to Maintain High Instacart Shopper Ratings & Good Standing

Since Instacart is all about customer satisfaction, the app leverages shopper ratings. Highly rated Instacart shoppers receive more batches on average, getting the nearby orders before other shoppers.

There’s no need to worry if you’re starting Instacart shopping, though. The gig business gives beginners a chance to get the hang of the gig and catch up. Beginner shoppers should deliver 30 batches before Instcart can take their ratings into account.

That’s not all. The average rating of shoppers is determined based on the past 100 orders, excluding ratings below five stars due to weather conditions or application outages.

The cancellation rate can also subject you to deactivation. Similar to the customer rating, it’s the average of your last 100 orders. If your cancellation rate exceeds 15%, you may become at risk for deactivation.

Accordingly, to avoid getting deactivated, shoppers must put the customers first, prioritizing a splendid delivery experience rather than a quick gig. You must also be aware of Instacart scams.

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