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Understanding the Instacart Shopper App

Instacart is one of the best food delivery services to work for, thanks to the innovative app. It takes seconds to sign up. All you have to do is upload a valid driver’s license and a bank account to set up your direct deposit.

It’s important to understand that there are two types of Instacart delivery shoppers, which are full-service and in-store shoppers.

The latter is an Instacart employee receiving an hourly wage, while the former is an independent contractor. When you’re signing up on the app, you become a full-service shopper.

As a full-service shopper, you’ll earn money by managing the entire order, from fulfilling the request to delivering to the customer. You have complete control over your working hours and the orders you accept.

Once you open the Instacart app, you can toggle your activity status to go online or offline. Online shoppers are active, receiving new updates and batches constantly. Instacart recommends you go offline when taking a break or after finishing shopping for the day.

Not only does this halt the notifications, but it also allows Instacart to determine the number of active shoppers, making for a seamless experience for both gig workers and customers.

Before becoming a full-service shopper, Instacart will require you to finish a couple of demo orders. You also need to watch tutorials to qualify for delivering certain items like prescription medications.